This website is for constituents in East Lothian to keep up to date with my work across our communities.
I am always happy to help and my team and I are ready to listen and support you as best we can. In the past we have supported individuals and businesses across East Lothian with a wide range of issues in areas where The Scottish Parliament has jurisdiction. We also work closely with other politicians and organisations in the area, so if we can’t help we will pass you on to someone who can.

I publish a regular newsletter for the constituency, including relevant news from the Scottish Parliament, reports on my work and upcoming events.
Subscribe here
I hold regular advice surgeries for constituents to discuss their concerns and issues with me. These are open to all and happen across East Lothian.
Find upcoming surgeries
Minister for Housing
I cannot respond to Ministerial enquiries via this website. Please click the link below for contact details at the Scottish Government website.
Ministerial contact details
Local Links
If you are looking for support with an issue that is dealt with by East Lothian Council, or the UK Parliament, you can find contact details here for the people who are best placed to help you.
Local Links
Urgent assistance
If something has gone wrong and you need urgent help, please click here for the contact details of various local services. In health/fire/crime emergencies call 999 who then will direct your call.